Strange Invasion of Personal Space

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jammed on a crowded subway this weekend, I was waiting patiently for my stop and minding my own business when I felt a tug on my hair. I turned around just in time to see an older woman, no more than 4.5 feet tall, pull her hand away from my head. As I stared in disbelief, she and her two friends chattered in Korean and pointed at my locks. Conveniently for them, the subway slowed to a stop and they pushed past me to exit as if nothing had happened. I wonder how many golden strands left with them as a souvenir.  


Kirbs said...

wow. you should have screamed... I wonder what they would have done then. lol

Unknown said...

It's not just a Korean thing. I've had several odd people fondle my hair inappropriately. It's creepy no matter where you are though.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to tell you guys. Last week I got to cello class early and so did the woman from South Korea. We were talking and she was complimenting me on my hair and then proceeded to touch it for a very long time! I'm glad I had a warning that this is 'normal'!

travelgirl said...

That's hilarious, Melissa! It transcends international borders, I guess.

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