The location of my school includes many nearby conveniences like a coffee shop, hair salon, pet store, quick mart, sushi restaurant, and bakery. Among the plethora of options, none is as much fun as Death Line, the new arcade/shooting range. Nothing beats releasing a bit of stress like shooting a BB gun at small targets without protective glasses. As unsafe as it may seem, the risk is worth the possible prize one might receive in the end: jewelry, plastic toys, an alarm clock, a guitar, or a Mickey Mouse mp3 player. Unfortunately, my beginner's luck was short-lived and the arcade owner laughs at me each time I return. Every once in awhile, on a particularly bad shooting day, his sympathy overwhelms him and I receive a free second round. Of course, I earn even less points the second time and he merely throws up his hands and shakes his head in disbelief.

First visit to Death Line... Round 1

1,070 points!

Round 2 and loss of beginner's luck... 0 points!
Annoyed with the rifle, I tried the pistol; but only hit one target.

Despite my gangster shooting abilities, I was even worse with the pistol. This gained sympathy from the owner and I received a free round. Zero points.
I think it's hilarious that both of our most recent posts involve photos of each of us with guns....hahaha great (or maybe "random" is a more fitting description) minds think alike!
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