Happy Birthday America!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Celebrating the 4th of July in Korea felt slightly strange and incomplete as we set up our picnic and prepared to BBQ. As the only foreigners in the park, we received many strange looks from curious Koreans as they passed by without red, white, or blue stamped across their outfits. Our attempts at remaining inconspicuous were thwarted after finally lighting the grill, which spewed pillars of smoke high into the atmosphere. Luckily, the food was delicious and surprisingly reminiscent of home.

Hot Dogs (once we figured out we had to remove the plastic casing, these weren't too bad)
Potato Salad
BBQ Baked Beans
American Flag Cake (with strawberries and blueberries)
Sweet Tea

After dinner we shot off the traditional fireworks with only one small accident; and twirled sparkler after sparkler. Fireworks are extremely easy to purchase in Korea at any neighborhood stationary store. On any given night, teenagers will entertain themselves with the crackling and popping of small rockets. I've decided there must not be any laws against it.

Lee, the "Grill Master"

Dennis and Melody

Andrea and Nicki

Happy Birthday, Joey!

Watch this video for a few mishaps from the day...


LACarroll said...

That was an exciting cookout. Don't forget that Dennis and Joey actually did most if not all the grilling. I just got the ball rolling.

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