This year has flown by faster than I could've ever imagined and I'm left wondering whether it was the often recited "fun" factor or if there is some sort of special Asian time/space continuum scientific theory that could explain it. Probably both.
As I pack up and send a year of my life home in boxes, random memories flood my mind. I remember my first days at ECC—the kids were still so innocent and extremely interested in their new teacher with yellow hair. I remember Halloween and the crisp fall weather. I remember missing out (for the first time) on Thanksgiving at home, but recreating it with new friends who became my "family" this year. I remember spending Christmas in Beijing and realizing their winters are colder than any I've ever experienced. I remember my January homesickness. I remember my 26th birthday in Seoul where I managed to eat a Korean rendition of lasagna and the always-present slice of birthday cheesecake. I remember Nicole's amazing visit in April and my trip to Jeju Island in June, which was soon followed by monsoon season. July was all about Japan while August brought along many difficult changes and losses. The beginning of this month was significant not only because it's my last, but because my parents came to visit. Showing them around my life in Korea was an unforgettable experience. Now, here it is mid-September and I'm less than 20 days away from leaving another life I've grown to love.
I have a lot to look forward to with 2 months of traveling following my Korean exodus—China, Thailand, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey—and I'll return back to the US on November 25th. Lucky for me, one of my first meals will be Thanksgiving dinner the next day... it seems a little too appropriate. I'm not sure of much after that, but I know my experiences this year have taught me more than I anticipated. I've had great days and difficult days, but I survived the "year abroad" and am coming out on the other end better for it.
As sad as I am to say goodbye to my life here, I look forward to saying hello again to everyone at home and catching up on the things I missed. Who knows where my next journey will take me...
Well, hopefully, it will take you to the South East. It is amazing how long and short a year can feel. It is long enough to feel like home but short enough to wonder where it went. Have a great time on your post Korea trip. We'll see you when you return.
Seeing Korea and meeting your friends was a very special time for us, just too short. You have made some very good friends and experienced wonderful places already in your life. Hope you continue to see more! Keep exploring.
Love you, Mom
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