Marhaba Jordan, Hello Jordan!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Touching down in Jordan, I was eager to immerse into a new culture. Having lived and traveled throughout Southeast Asia for a year, I gained a taste and understanding for the various countries and their unique cultures, but I was itching to try something different. Admittedly ignorant about several aspects of life in the Middle East, I knew the best way to learn was through experience and one month in three different countries promised to provide many diverse learning opportunities, not to mention the chance to see my friends after our year-long interlude.

After an emotionally exciting reunion, I began firing off the questions that were dancing through my mind while Kacy did her best to explain bits and pieces of what she has learned after her first year of living abroad.

What I learned in the first hour:

1. The men and women we saw on our flight to Kuwait were probably Palestinian because of the men's white robes and white or black/white checkered scarves. The black and white scarves are typical of Palestinian men while Jordanian men usually wear red and white.

2. We should not communicate in any way with men we do not know in public: talking, staring, smiling, etc. It is considered inappropriate in their culture and may be interpreted far differently than is our intention.

3. In general, Jordanians are fond of Americans, which makes it a safe country for us to visit.

4. There are "two" types of people in Jordan: Muslims and Christians. If a woman is not wearing a head-covering she is either a Christian or a very wealthy Muslim. We did not have to cover our heads.

5. People do not use headlights because they waste the car battery.

6. Most dishes include chicken, lamb, or beef. Muslims do not eat pork and we shouldn't advertise our love for bacon.

7. The "Call to Prayer" happens 5 times each day and is loudly projected from each mosque... There are many mosques.


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