Islamic Call To Prayer

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Islamic adhan, or call to prayer, is recited in Arabic 5 times each day by the muezzin who are chosen by the mosque because of their good character, voice, and skills. The main purpose of the call to prayer is to inform everyone, both Muslim believers and non-believers, of Islam's main beliefs and spiritual ideology. Upon hearing the call, Muslims are expected to stop what they are doing and carry out their prayers in a mosque or prayer room. Only men may enter mosques, but prayer rooms separated by men and women can be found in various establishments including airports, restaurants, and large stores.

Because the call to prayer is recited over loud speakers from the minaret of every mosque—and there are dozens of mosques around each corner—the enchanting sound appears to rise above the city and swirl hypnotically through the air before dipping down into every ear whether awake or asleep.

When do Muslims pray?

1. Before sunrise
2. After midday
3. Mid afternoon
4. Sunset
5. Evening

A translation of the Sunni Islam prayer, or Salah:

God is the greatest.
I bear witness that there is no deity except God.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Make haste towards worship.
Come to the true success.
Prayer is better than sleep.**
God is the greatest.
There is no deity except God.

** The line, "prayer is better than sleep," is used only in the first prayers of the day at dawn.


Lavon said...

This is so great. I just finished a unit about Islam with my students. Do you mind if I share it with them? You are such a great blogger! I love reading your about your adventures! Derrick and I really should have hired you to write ours:)

travelgirl said...

Thanks Lavon! Please share it with your students—it would be great for them to hear what the prayer call sounds like. Hope you and Derrick have a great New Years. Should we all do Korea 2010???!!! ;)

Admin. said...

In response to your question--YES!

akgregory said...

I agree!!

travelgirl said...

Don't tease me girls! I'm serious!

Admin. said...

Me too.

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