Throughout Japan I couldn't help noticing various signs and posters on the streets, subways, and in store windows. Some were interesting, some comical, and a few were down-right strange.

"The deer on Miyajima Island are wildlife animals. Please treat them gently and with patience. Please do not get too close to them or touch the deer. To protect its life in nature please do not feed the deer. Thank you for your cooperation."
Of course, people were touching and feeding the deer all over the island...

The do's and don'ts of squatty potties

"Please do NOT sit on the toilet but squat over it facing the hooded end. Thank you!"

The sake of choice for geishas

No bulldogs allowed

A few different takes on Puma.... My favorite is Tuna.

Outside a small store, this sign gets straight to the point.

Kyoto's multi-lingual welcome sign

Korean food! Home sweet home.

"Please do it at the beach.
The Platform edge is dangerous. Please wait behind the white line."

No caption necessary.

Just in case you didn't already know...

Tokyo is in the running for the 2016 Olympics and they're not wasting any time rallying excitement.

"My Identity."
A cute add for Converse shoes.

Everyone has experienced the "Gas Panic" at some point in their life.

Pigeons: Harassing people worldwide.

Pachinko, the Japanese game of choice.

Japan's Most Wanted

I'm sure I don't have to tell you how disgusted I was to see horse meat on the menu...