Most classes at my school range in age from 1st grade to middle school, however, a few rule breakers have snuck through the system for various reasons and we now see teeny tiny kindergarten students come through the doors followed by great big high schoolers later in the night. I teach the oldest class of high schoolers, which is really fun after a full day of elementary students. They're incredibly intelligent—some attend the best high school in the city; playful; humorous; curious; and hard-working. I've learned a lot about Korean culture from the students and what it takes to make it through the rigorous school system while maintaining a sense of identity and sanity.

The video below shows a class period back in January. I have some of the same students now along with a few new additions; but some have also moved on since entering high school in February (many high schools have dormitories where the students live on campus just like college). The students really wanted to sing "Yellow Submarine" on video so I brought along my camera the next day only to find that most were too shy to perform. Watch as they play Pictionary with their vocabulary words (paradox, volatile, microcosm, magnanimous, poignant, ubiquitous, etc.); and discuss their views on the book/movie,
Twilight. If you've been living without a TV lately or you're just not tuned in to the interests of an adolescent girl (or adolescent girl at heart, like myself), than you've missed out on the vampire craze that has swept around the globe. My students love Edward (the main character/vampire) just as much as American girls back home!
It cracks me up that girls over there are just as much into Twilight. I had a customer the other day that was no less than 50 wearing a Team Edward shirt. (It was a black shirt with glittery pink might have even been homemade!) I've also been told that Team Jacob shirts exist, though I have yet to see one myself...
Oh! Time that we were 'young'?!
Really shameful as thinking back!
It was pretty lively class.
Now there's too few classmembers to produce that kind of atmosphere... and we've grown up little though still being rash...
So shameful!!! I can even see some girls (-and of course boys) do not jump together.
It was very very 'long' time ago!(Yes, We-or I- have grown up.)
It was good time, though. I miss the class, friends ...
Don't be embarrassed girls!!! It was such a good day and a wonderful song, but I agree with you— there are definitely some students who did not jump together with the group. That's so sad. :) I miss you all so much!!!
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